About us

Hi, we are Dave & Becca!
You guessed it, WE LOVE TO TRAVEL!!
We met in our late teens and bought our first home a couple of years later, but soon decided that we were not ready for the 9-5 rat race to be our lives forever. Life must be about more than getting married, having kids and growing old together, surely!
Not long after buying our first home we realised 4/5 weeks holiday a year would never be enough to keep our thirst for travel satisfied & Becca came up with the suggestion to jack it all in & go travelling. Many people take a gap year before or after uni, why couldn’t we take a gap year from real life? So, we scrimped & saved, took on extra work where we could & planned our “once in a lifetime” trip to see a big chunk of Europe, loads of Asia & finish up with Australia & New Zealand for good measure.
The trip was amazing, the best experience of our lives by far! However rather than cure our thirst for travel, it made it stronger. Don’t get me wrong, upon returning home, it was great to meet up with friends & family, but we soon realised that not much had changed. How boring!!
Did we really have to settle down? Why did it have to be a “once in a lifetime” trip?
Here we are, now both in our 30s & about to set off on our 3rd “once in a lifetime” trip 😁
We will be exploring Europe in Moose, jetting off to South America & then onto Central America.
We have never written a travel blog before but have heavily relied on them when planning our own adventures. We have now decided to set up this blog to give something back to the travel community. Although we have been to over 50 countries, we are not going to add all of them to the website as we feel due to the time passed the information we give could be outdated. Hopefully you can enjoy our future travels with us and maybe, just maybe, we can inspire you to go on your own adventures!